Red Ribbon Week Themes Based on Travel

Cedar Ridge students

Final week, yous may take seen Cache County students sporting funky hair, pajamas, crazy socks, or proudly wearing red in honor of Red Ribbon Week, which encourages students to avoid substance utilise and addiction. Students of all form levels at CCSD participate in Ruddy Ribbon Week and, at many schools, each 24-hour interval of Scarlet Ribbon Week has a dissimilar theme. For example, N Cache Middle School students adorned themselves in wild pilus and crazy socks to go with the themed mean solar day: "I'm crazy nigh traveling drug-complimentary." At Greenish Coulee High Schoolhouse, students were encouraged to wear superhero logos and apparel for the theme "Exist a hero, don't practise drugs." The national Red Ribbon theme for this year is "Life is your journeying, travel drug-free."

Students at Cedar Ridge Uncomplicated celebrated Red Ribbon Week, in part, by pledging to live drug-gratuitous. The words "Cedar Ridge is Drug-Free" were written in big messages across the school playground and students took turns using sidewalk chalk to sign their names adjacent to the statement. By signing the pledge, students committed to staying abroad from drugs not just for now, just forever. "This calendar week helps students build a mindset and expectation of living drug-free," explained Amy Bassett, principal of Cedar Ridge Elementary. "They know being drug-costless is something that we wait of them."

A point of accent during Cedar Ridge'due south Red Ribbon Week was that living a drug-free lifestyle provides opportunities for students to dream big. And boy, do the 6th graders at Cedar Ridge have large life goals! When asked what they wanted to be when they grow up, their answers ranged from "a veterinarian" to "an anesthesiologist" to "a lego designer." With such big goals in mind, living drug-free is a must. Zaydryn, a time to come race car driver, says that the fun activities in association with Red Ribbon Week, such as crazy sock day, show him that "Life is fun without drugs." Addison, a future artist, explains that she is "grateful to larn at a young age not to do drugs," and hopes to use this noesis to aid other people who may be struggling with drugs. Charlotte, a future engineer, adds that if she were ever faced with a situation where drugs were involved, she would "simply say no and walk away." The principles taught during this week help students to understand the consequences of illegal drug use, too as to learn refusal skills if they ever find themselves in a tricky situation. Although signing the pledge on the sidewalk to live life drug-gratuitous may exist a small-scale act, the decision students make as they sign it is a big one.

Choosing to stay drug-free will not only influence students now but will too impact them every bit they embark on their journey through life. Master Bassett believes it's important to continue observing Reddish Ribbon Calendar week because it brings awareness to a real, challenging issue. This awareness tin can help students understand how living a drug-free lifestyle tin help them achieve their goals and become the people they desire to be. With such high-achieving destinations in mind, our students are on the right track to travel through their life's journey and achieve peachy things, not only in our district but in our world.

Cedar Ridge student

Cedar Ridge student

Cedar Ridge drug-free pledge

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