How Long Can You Get Travel Insurance for

Flights often hateful packing some extra patience for the unexpected -- long TSA lines, delayed flights and lost luggage. And flights are upwardly 43% from 2020, and then these inconvenient, unforeseen bug may be on the rise, too. 1 large question is, can y'all be paid for airline headaches that fabricated you miss a flight or go home without your bags?

Even though at that place's no one single policy when it comes to travel problems (meet more below for the latest from popular airlines), there are a few similarities betwixt airlines, both domestic and international. But there are likewise some major differences -- especially with the ongoing pandemic, new vaccine and counterfoil policies.

Residuum assured that there are a few means to claim vouchers, refunds and other accommodations for luggage, canceled flights or whatsoever difficulties yous feel with your flight. Here's what you need to know most missing flights, being bumped from a full flight, lost baggage and how to file a claim for travel headaches and nightmares.

When am I entitled to a travel refund from my airline?

In the US, you lot'll typically take more luck receiving a refund on your ticket cost if:

  • The airline cancels your flight.
  • There'southward a "significant delay," according to the Department of Transportation (it isn't clear how long that would be).
  • You're involuntarily moved to a lower service class from the i that you paid for, like beingness moved from your First Course booking to an economic system seat.
  • You tin can't use a service yous paid for, like a seat upgrade you didn't get, or if y'all paid $50 to use in-air Wi-Fi but information technology's broken.

Your checked pocketbook fees are also refundable if the flight is canceled. Simply if y'all pay for checked bags that you lot don't stop up checking, you lot might wind upwards eating the cost.

How long will it take the airline to event a refund?

If the airline owes you a refund, information technology must pay you within seven business days if you paid by credit card and xx business organization days if you paid by check or cash, according to the DOT. If you booked your flight with a travel bureau, the bureau would issue the refund instead of the airline.

Will the airline refund my coin if I demand to cancel my flight?

Information technology depends. The DOT'southward "24-hour dominion" requires airlines to concord a flight reservation for 24 hours without making yous pay. If you change your listen after you've paid, the airline must give you a full refund. The catch is that you merely have 24 hours after buying a flight to cancel it. And if you lot book a flying that departs in less than a calendar week, the 24-hour rule won't apply to your ticket.

Sometimes, airlines are flexible. Have United Airlines, for case -- you may be able to modify your flying for free (or a lower fee) with a specific blazon of ticket and destination. Just here's the catch: If you bought a Basic Economy ticket on or after May 1, 2021, your flight isn't covered under the no-fee policy unless you choose a same-day standby option. Ofttimes yous can wait to pay a fee to modify flights and you lot may have to cover the departure in the new ticket price. Information technology all depends on the airline'due south policies for your ticket type.

You can often use the airline's app or website, like Southwest Airlines permits, to initiate a refund for a delayed or canceled flight.

Will airlines reimburse me for flying delays, cancellations or "acts of God"?

They can, only they're not required to. The DOT says that even if you miss a connecting flight the airline is non required to cover your prepaid trip expenses -- such equally a hotel room or prowl. Airlines may cover your hotel stay and gratis meals through gift certificates for your inconvenience, simply there's no federal law mandating either.

But suppose the airline rebooks you on a new flying that doesn't work for you. In that instance, the airline may be able to offer you a flight from a different drome from the same airline. You'll get faster service than calling if you rebook online, through your airline'south app or by using a kiosk at the airport.

Many airlines will book you on the side by side flight with available seats if there's a flying delay. (For example, hither's American Airlines' policy.) If no flight is available by 11:59 p.1000. local fourth dimension your airline may arrange an overnight stay only if it'southward caused by the airline (like a maintenance consequence with your airplane).

If the flight delay is due to weather or an "human activity of God" (a existent nomenclature significant events similar floods, hurricanes or natural disasters that are out of the airline'southward control), you'll exist responsible for your hotel accommodations. Only even if you're not entitled to a reimbursement or perk of whatever sort, information technology doesn't hurt to request it. Ask nicely and treat the airline customer service agent respectfully and you may go what you want.


Flights can be delayed due to events such every bit hurricanes or flooding.

Ty Pendlebury/CNET

How can I be compensated for being bumped from a full flying?

One big inconvenience for passengers is to be involuntarily bumped from a flying. In a instance like this, the airline often oversells the flight and tin choose which customers cannot board. When this happens, the airline will explain how it determines who won't board (tardily arrivals to the airport can exist the first to go). It happens all the time and might not seem as well bad when you're getting paid for the inconvenience. Ordinarily, you lot'll go compensated and the airline must also encompass additional costs, such as your checked luggage. And no matter the alter, yous'll get a flight credit or trip voucher (there'southward a big departure between the two) to rebook your flight.

To get the money, you'll need to have been checked in past your airline'south deadline -- the time tin vary, but typically it's ane hr before departure. You also must take a confirmed reservation, so if for example the airline contacted you by email to ostend your flight and you didn't confirm it, and and then you're involuntarily bumped, you may non be able to get the coin. There are specific rules for international flights and yous likewise won't receive these benefits if the airline removes y'all from the flight for wellness, safety or unruly behavior.

How much will the airline pay me if my flight is overbooked?

The amount that an airline tin can pay y'all for an overbooked flight depends on a few factors. The DOT says that airlines can cap the maximum amount at $775 for any domestic or international flights from the US with a delay that's i to ii hours. Usually, the corporeality is twice equally much as a 1-mode ticket. You may exist lucky enough to get more depending on your airline. If you lot have over two hours' await for a rebooked flight, you may become up to 400% of the value of your one-fashion ticket for a rebooked flight. But the airline tin can cap the maximum amount at $1,550.

If y'all're rebooked for a flight and your wait is less than an hour the airline doesn't have to pay you, but you can ever ask for miles or a credit for the inconvenience. It's best to check with your airline to come across how much they'll offering y'all. The good news is that you're guaranteed compensation if you wait at least an hour. The question for the airline is, "How much?"

Can I get a refund if I'one thousand too ill to travel?

It'southward a big question, considering that COVID-19 will continue to spread for some fourth dimension. You lot may be able to send a doctor's annotation (more beneath) or proof of a positive COVID-nineteen test to alter your flight without losing coin. The same rules yet apply: You tin can change your flight without a change fee, as long as information technology's within a specific time flow (this may depend on the airline and your ticket blazon). Or, y'all tin can request a travel voucher to book a new flight at a after date. Keep in mind that some vouchers have coma dates where they cannot exist used, usually during holidays. Think to read the policy and understand any exceptions before like-minded to a voucher instead of a refund.

Some airlines aren't budging on their cancellation policies -- JetBlue is ane of them. Its nonrefundable ticket policy doesn't have exceptions. Nonrefundable tickets are indeed nonrefundable, even during the pandemic. Y'all may be able to cancel your flight and exit the ticket every bit "Open up" to book travel at a subsequently date. The ticket will be available for 1 year. Just y'all'll take more flexibility equally a Mosaic member or with a refundable ticket.

What if I have a doctor'due south notation saying that I tin can't fly?

Sometimes, having a doctor vouch for your illness tin can help you lot avoid paying extra fees or losing out on money. Before you submit a md'due south note to an airline, check the policy to run across if there are whatever exceptions to the rules if you're sick. Inquire your medico to provide as much data as possible to dorsum up your medical status.

In the case of COVID-xix, airlines accept the right to deny boarding if you test positive. Y'all may be able to alter or abolish your flight, and fees may be waived. But you may have to cover the difference in the ticket price for the new departure date or destination.

Don't wait to make it touch on with the airline. It may be less than accommodating if your flight is within the next day or two. Go on in mind that the airline may not waive your fees or give you a credit, depending on its policy.

At present playing: Watch this: Vaccine passports for COVID-19: How they'll exist a part...


Tin can airlines accuse me for beingness a no-prove?

Again, dissimilar airlines have different rules. For instance, Delta Airlines updated its no-testify policy for customers who don't notify their travel agent or Delta. You'll lose your ticket (and its value) if you don't change or cancel your flight before the departure time. The new policy went into effect for tickets purchased on or afterwards March 31, 2021. I of the reasons for the policy modify is to give other travelers access to seats that would be left open to volume or change reservations.

JetBlue has a like policy for nonrefundable tickets purchased after June viii. However, if you lot need to change a flight, you may pay a difference in the airfare. So even though well-nigh airlines won't charge you, you lot'll likely lose your coin if you don't change your flight before the departure fourth dimension.

What if I miss my flight?

Sometimes the unthinkable happens and y'all miss your flight due to traffic, long security lines or procrastination. We've all been in that location. What happens side by side all depends on the airline and customer service. Yous may exist able to get standby on the next flying, but information technology'south not guaranteed. And depending on the airline, you may take to pay a pretty steep fee, up of $200, to rebook. Or you may accept to pay the difference in airfare or buy a separate ticket depending on the airline. And then ask nicely.

Rolling luggage going up the escalator at the airport

If your baggage is missing, you'll need to file a study with the airline before leaving the airport.

Bing Guan/Bloomberg/Getty Images

What happens if the aerodrome loses or damages baggage?

Airlines will typically deliver your lost or delayed numberless as soon as they can, unremarkably within 24 hours. This may take longer for international flights, especially if you're changing destinations. The same goes for cases where your phone number, address or other information aren't upwardly to date, or if flights to your destination are few and far between.

In the meantime, the airline will encompass the cost of items you need right away, like toothpaste and contact lens solution. Travel experts suggest packing essentials, including medication, in your carry-on bag just in example. Most full-service airlines let yous bring 1 bear-on bag (such as a pocket-sized suitcase) and one personal item (like a purse or book bag) for free. Others, like Spirit Airlines or a super economic system ticket, may accuse y'all for deport-on luggage.

How exercise I file a claim to for lost or damaged baggage?

If y'all don't take your bags after landing, it's all-time to file a study with the airline before leaving the airport. Yous can as well make a claim online or over the phone. Many airlines require you to report lost luggage within a specific time period. For example, United Airlines suggests filing a claim within 24 hours of arrival, just you lot'll have seven days to report damaged numberless and 21 days to file a merits for lost numberless on domestic and international flights.

When submitting your merits, you'll need to have your flying information, bag tag number (don't lose this) and photo ID handy. And accept photos of your bag earlier checking it -- they can be helpful when describing it to airline staff. You lot may also be asked to provide receipts or proof of purchase for the items in your purse. By police, airlines tin be held liable for upwardly to $3,800 for lost, damaged or delayed bags. If a bag is lost, you will be reimbursed for checked baggage charges.

How can I file a complaint for a flight problem?

If you run into a problem with bagging, boarding or any other common problems yous tin can file a complaint with the airline or the DOT. However, it'southward recommended that you work with the airline to endeavor to resolve the problem first. Airlines are required to accost complaints inside 30 days. Cheque your airline's website for the best style to submit complaints. Some offer an email while others have an online form.

If you're not satisfied with the airline'southward response you can still file a complaint with the DOT online. You'll need to include contact information and your flight itinerary. Y'all tin can adhere pictures or other files, too. You lot may get a flying credit or flyer miles for your troubles, but money is unlikely.

What about delayed or canceled international flights in the EU?

Most countries have different rights for travelers, but there are some similarities to US domestic flights. European Matrimony flight rights apply to passengers to or from 27 European union member countries. Eu rights utilise if your flying departs or is inside the EU on whatever airline. Or if your flight arrives in the EU by an Eu airline. But if the airline compensates you for any troubles, the European union won't credit you again for the same problem.

If you miss a connecting flight due to a filibuster of 3 hours or more in Europe and it'southward not an "extraordinary circumstance," (such as a massive storm) the airline must compensate you. If the airline cancels your flying, you're entitled to a full refund. And if yous're already at the drome and your flight is canceled, you're entitled to meals, snacks and a hotel stay if you're rebooked for the next day. You may also go a refund depending on the circumstances.

If your divergence is delayed by at least 2 hours, you're entitled to snacks and meals while waiting. The airline is required to pay you if the delay is at least 3 hours. If the delay or cancellation is due to bad weather or aircraft damage or other "boggling circumstances," you may not get a full refund simply the airline must offer a reimbursement or rebooking. You are also entitled to food in this case.

If you're flying from the EU to the United kingdom, there's an important update that stems from a new Brexit understanding. Starting this twelvemonth, the rights within European airlines don't employ to UK flights or others that are non by an EU carrier unless your circumstance falls under UK laws.

What if my luggage is lost or damaged on an international flight?

In the Eu, you can always ask for a refund, rebooking or a return flight -- particularly if yous are notified less than xiv days before your flight. But go on in mind that you may not get money back if the airline defines the disruption as an extraordinary circumstance.

Withal, a strike could exist considered an extraordinary circumstance. You may exist refunded if the airline cannot prove that the strike is related to the flight filibuster or cancellation or cannot testify that it cannot be avoided. Your airline should provide more information on refunds under these circumstances, but if not, contact your national organisation for assist.

Baggage carousel at airport

Travel insurance can assistance ensure that your items are covered if there's a flying.

Angus Mordant/Bloomberg/Getty Images

Can I be refunded for airline shortages or strikes?

In the Eu, you lot can always ask for a refund, rebooking or a return flying -- particularly if you are notified less than fourteen days before your flight. But keep in listen that you may non get money dorsum if the airline defines the disruption every bit an extraordinary circumstance.

Still, a strike could be considered an extraordinary circumstance. You may exist refunded if the airline cannot prove that the strike is related to the flight filibuster or counterfoil or cannot show that it cannot be avoided. Your airline should provide more than information on refunds under these circumstances, merely if not, contact your national organization for assistance.

Everything else to consider when booking your adjacent flight

Before you book whatsoever domestic or international flight, information technology'due south best to empathize all of your rights before ownership a ticket.

  • Some airlines and credit cards offer travel insurance to ensure your items and flight purchase are covered if in that location'south an effect with your luggage or flight.
  • Carefully read your ticket limitations and travel itinerary to avoid unexpected costs.
  • Review the airline'due south policies no matter how good an airfare deal you lot found. Some tickets are nonrefundable and cannot exist transferred -- even during a pandemic.

Traveling correct now tin exist frustrating and stressful, but Google's travel features tin can help yous plan your next vacation equally the pandemic continues. Exist sure to hold onto your vaccine card if you're fully vaccinated -- especially if y'all're planning to go away.

If you're curious nigh your preferred airline'southward delayed and canceled flights policies nosotros've compiled the most popular ones here:

  • JetBlue (lost baggage policy) 800-538-2583
  • American (lost luggage policy) 800-433-7300
  • United (lost luggage policy) 800-864-8331
  • Southwest (lost luggage policy) 800-435-9792
  • Delta (lost luggage policy) 800-221-1212
  • Frontier (lost baggage policy) 801-401-9000
  • Spirit (lost baggage policy) 855-728-3555
  • Sun Country (lost baggage policy) 651-905-2737
  • Hawaiian (lost luggage policy) 800-367-5320
  • Alaska (lost baggage policy) 800-654-5669

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