Sample Description of Furniture for Routine , Care and Play in Preschool Classroom

Building, Equipment and Playground

Before a licence for a kid care centre in the customs is issued, the bidder must gather documentation to demonstrate that the child care heart complies with:

    • Public health laws for the municipality or the Offset Nation reserve.
    • Any regulation or direction from the local Board of Health or the local Medical Officeholder of Health that may affect kid intendance.
    • Any by-police force under the municipality or ring council on reserve or any other police about burn hazards.
    • Whatever building by-police from the municipality under the Planning Act and any by-law passed by the band council on reserve regulate the construction, repair or use of buildings.
    • Requirements of the Building Code nether the Edifice Lawmaking Human activity, the Fire Code under the Fire Protection and Prevention Human action, 1997, and the
    • Safe Drinking Water Act, where applicative.

When a child intendance centre is located in a publicly-funded school and only serves children ages 4 years and older, the centre volition be considered equally function of the schoolhouse, and the edifice and accommodation standards and requirements that apply to the school will also apply to the child care centre. These providers are not required to provide additional documentation regarding requirements made through local bylaws regarding the construction, repair, or employ of buildings and underthe Building Code Act, Fire Protection and Prevention Act.

Counter space with sanitation materials and signage highlighted


Section 12 and 13 of Ontario Regulation 137/15 - Full general

Connections To How Does Learning Happen?

Children, families, and educators are comfortable, safe, and have a sense of over-all well-being when the surround is intentionally designed to meet wellness and safety requirements.

A safe and healthy environment supports children's growing independence and ability to explore, tackle challenges safely and learn almost the world effectually them.

Child care centres must accept space allocated for:

  • Washing, dressing, and toileting
  • Storing toys, indoor play materials, and equipment
  • Storing food
  • Storing required records
  • Storing medical supplies, cleaning materials, and equipment and other hazardous substances
  • Heating and electric equipment

Medical supplies, cleaning materials, equipment and other hazardous substances, and heating and electrical equipment must be inaccessible to children.

If the child care program runs for six hours or more than in a 24-hour interval, it must likewise have space allocated for:

  • Eating and resting
  • Preparing food, if meals are prepared at the kid intendance centre
  • Storing beds and linen
  • A staff balance area
  • Storing outdoor play equipment
  • An office area
  • Outdoor play

For kid intendance centres located in a school serving only children four years and older, the centre will exist considered as role of the school, and the designated infinite standards and requirements that apply to the school will also utilise to the child care centre.

Entry to child care room with storage space highlighted


Section 15of Ontario Regulation 137/fifteen - Full general

Connections To How Does Learning Happen?

When designing the space consider:

How the surroundings provides condolement and meets children's needs related to rest, play, and nutrition.

How the environment tin can support children's self-intendance skills and growing independence to promote a sense of competence.

How the staff area can exist not only a identify for balance but also can support educators in reflection, collaboration and discussion.

For some examples of how to set up the environment in a way that reflects the cardinal ideas ofHow Does Learning Happen?, come across the research brief and video on "Learning Environment" in Think, Experience, Act: Lessons from Research about Immature Children

Every licensee must ensure the play activity space has at to the lowest degree two.eight square metres of unobstructed flooring infinite for each child in an infant, toddler, preschool or family age group, and 2.58 square metres of unobstructed floor infinite for each child in a kindergarten, main/junior school age or junior school age grouping.

Baby Play Action Room

There must be a carve up play action room based on the licensed chapters for each grouping of x infants under Schedule 1.

The play activity space must be at least 2.viii square metres (30 square feet) of unobstructed floor space for each kid based on licensed capacity.

A sleeping area separated from the play activity infinite must exist provided for every ten infants or less based on licensed chapters.

Infant room with floor dimension highlighted

Toddler Play Activity Room

There must exist a separate play activity room based on the licensed capacity for each group of 15 toddlers under Schedule i.

The play activity space must be at least two.8 square metres (30 square anxiety) of unobstructed floor space for each child based on licensed chapters.

Toddler Room with floor dimension highlighted

Preschool Room

In that location must be a separate play activity room based on the licensed chapters for each group of 24 preschool children.

The play activeness space must exist at to the lowest degree ii.eight square metres of unobstructed flooring infinite for each child based on licensed capacity.

Preschool Room with floor dimension highlighted

Kindergarten Play Activity Area

At that place must be a separate play activity surface area based on the licensed chapters for each group of kindergarten children.

The play activity space must exist at least 2.58 square metres (approximately 28 square anxiety) of unobstructed floor space for each child based on licensed chapters.

A ministry director may approve less than 2.58 square metres for a child care middle located in a school equally long as the room or expanse is used past the school for children the same age as the licensed age group.

Kindergarten room  with floor dimension highlighted

Chief School Age Play Activity Area

There must be a separate play activity surface area based on the licensed capacity for each group of primary school age children unless otherwise approved by a ministry building director.

The play activity space must be at to the lowest degree ii.58 square metres (approximately 28 square anxiety) of unobstructed floor space for each child based on licensed capacity.

A ministry building director may corroborate less than two.58 square metres for a kid care center located in a school as long equally the room or surface area is used past the schoolhouse for children the aforementioned historic period every bit the licensed age group.

School-age children often share space arrangements with customs centres and schools. Where possible, such programs should include at least some exclusive-employ space.

Primary school-age room with floor dimension highlighted

Junior Schoolhouse Age Play Activity Area

In that location must be a separate play activeness expanse based on the licensed capacity for each group of junior school historic period children unless otherwise approved past a ministry managing director.

The play activeness space must be at least 2.58 square metres (approximately 28 square feet) of unobstructed floor space for each kid based on licensed capacity.

A ministry director may approve less than 2.58 square metres for a child care centre located in a schoolhouse equally long as the room or area is used by the school for children the same age as the licensed age group.

School-age children ofttimes share space arrangements with community centres and schools. Where possible, such programs should include at least some exclusive-apply infinite.

Junior school-age room with floor dimension highlighted

Family Age Grouping Play Activity Room

There must exist a split play activity room for each family historic period group.

The play activity space must exist at least 2.eight square metres (30 square feet) of unobstructed floor space for each child based on licensed chapters.

No separate play action area is required to accommodate children of dissimilar ages. Licensees will need to ensure spaces are responsive to the rubber and evolution of children enrolled.

A separate slumber expanse is required if there are children younger than 12 months of age and when the group requires cribs or cradles.


Department 16 and 17of Ontario Regulation 137/15 – General

Connections To How Does Learning Happen?

Adequate play activeness infinite helps to ensure there is flexibility for movement and opportunities for connections and relationships. Play activity areas provide rich environments and allow for investigation, exploration, and positive interaction.

When designing a play action room, consider:

  • How can children and families exist engaged in shaping the play action room?
  • How can the space exist arranged to let children to make choices?
  • How can the space accommodate children'south varied needs for contained play, minor group interactions, active and tranquility experiences?
  • In groups where there are children of varied ages and abilities, consider types of materials that can be used in many different ways, for instance, materials that encourage structure and exploratory questions like, "How does this feel?"; "How does this go together?" "What can I make with this?"

Play Materials

In that location must be enough play materials to serve the licensed capacity and enough diverseness so that play materials in active use tin exist rotated regularly.

Play materials must be bachelor and accessible to the children throughout the day and be appropriate to back up each child's learning and development.

Play materials should allow the children to make choices and to encourage exploration, play, and research past pattern.

All equipment must be maintained in a safe condition as well as kept in a skilful state of repair.

Child care room with couch and bookshelf

Equipment and Effects

There must be a change table or counter space next to a sink suitable for dressing or changing the diaper of one child at a time in every licensed babe room, toddler room or family historic period room.

A cradle or crib is required for each kid under 12 months of age.

Each child who is 12 months or older only younger than xviii months, and who receives treat six hours or more than, needs a crib, a cradle or a cot, in accordance with whatever written instruction from the child's parents. There must be a cot for each kid who is xviii months or older but younger than thirty months and who receives care for six hours or more than. Each child who is 30 months or older but younger than half-dozen years old, too as whatever child in a licensed family age group between 2 and 5 years erstwhile, and who receives care for six hours or more, needs a cot unless otherwise canonical by a director

Play materials, equipment, and furnishings must be in a safe condition and kept in a good state of repair at all times.

There must be adequate storage bachelor for all play materials.

Outdoor play equipment


Section xix of Ontario Regulation 137/xv - General

Connections To How Does Learning Happen?

Consider ways thatHow Does Learning Happen? can support controlling in terms of the types of equipment, furnishings and play materials provided, for example:

  • How do the play materials and equipment demonstrate an understanding of each kid every bit competent, capable of complex thinking, curious and rich in potential?
  • What possibilities for complex thinking and inventiveness are offered through the materials?
  • How can the space exist arranged to foster positive interactions and collaboration amidst children?
  • How practise the materials and equipment challenge children to take manageable risks that will foster a sense of competence and mastery?
  • Are the play materials and equipment attainable to children throughout the day?
  • Are the play materials and equipment provided appropriate to support the learning and development of each child in the room?

Consider ways to apply diapering and washroom routines every bit a time for connecting with children, engaging in communication and responsive interaction.

In order to ensure safety and ease of admission, each room used by babe, toddler, preschool, kindergarten or family historic period groups, or for the utilize of by children with special needs, must be on or below the 2nd storey, unless otherwise canonical past a ministry director.

Entry door to childcare centre


Section xx of Ontario Regulation 137/xv - General

Artificial illumination in each play action room must have a level of at least 55 dekalux.

The indoor temperature must exist at least twenty degrees Celsius.

Child care window facing outside


Sections 21, 22 and 23 of Ontario Regulation 137/15 - Full general

Connections To How Does Learning Happen?

The window glass provides an opportunity for children to connect their indoor and outdoor worlds and exposes children to natural light.

Consider means to support children as they develop connections and theories well-nigh what they observe and notice outside throughout the day and seasons.

The quality of the lighting and the temperature of the room aid ensure children'southward and educators', well-existence, wellness and comfort.

For child care centres that operate for 6 hours or more than a twenty-four hour period, outdoor play space must be at least five.6 square metres (60 square feet) for each kid based on licensed capacity, unless otherwise approved by a ministry managing director.

A playground must exist provided that is at ground level and adjacent to the middle unless otherwise approved by a ministry director.

Outdoor play infinite must be designed and then that the staff tin can maintain constant supervision of all the children.

Space must be designated for storage of outdoor play equipment.

Each fenced outdoor play space is express to 64 children.

If the play space is used past infant, toddler, preschool or family unit age groups the fence must have a minimum height of 1.2 metres (4 feet).

Fencing must be in good condition and information technology must not present any danger for children, e. g. no splintering, no rust, no sharp ends or edges. In that location should be no gaps between the argue and building structures to avoid injuries and course a safe boundary.

The playground must take one or more than gates that are securely closed at all times, unless otherwise canonical by a ministry director.

When a child care centre is located in a schoolhouse and serves children 4 years and older, the centre will exist considered as function of the school, and outdoor play space standards and requirements that apply to the school will also apply to the kid intendance centre.

Every child care licensee must ensure that whatsoever outdoor play infinite, stock-still play structures and surfacing under those structures that is constructed or renovated on or after August 29, 2016 meets the requirements set out in the Canadian Standards Association standard Tin/CSA-Z614-14, "Children's play spaces and equipment".

Every child intendance licensee must ensure that a playground safety policy is developed that reflects the Canadian Standards Association standard Tin/CSA-Z614-xiv, and indicates the roles and responsibilities of employees regarding safety on playgrounds. Licensees must as well ensure that daily, monthly and annual inspections of the outdoor play space, fixed play structures and surfacing are conducted in accordance with the Canadian Standards Association standard CAN/CSA-Z614-fourteen. Additionally licensees must ensure a plan is adult on how problems or issues identified in a playground inspection will be addressed and a playground repair log must be maintained.

Outdoor play space with tricycle


Department 24 of Ontario Regulation 137/15 – General

Sample Class

  • Sample outdoor and playground safety policy and procedures (Word, 88 KB)
  • Sample template for developing an outdoor and playground safety policy (Word, 54 KB)
  • Sample template for daily visual inspections (Appendix A) (Give-and-take, 71 KB)
  • Sample template for detailed monthly inspections (Appendix B) (Word, 50 KB)
  • Sample template for an outdoor space/playground repair log (Appendix C) (Word, 48 KB)
  • Tips and Instructions for Developing Compliant Policies and Procedures: Playground Prophylactic Policy (PDF, 144 KB)

Connections To How Does Learning Happen?

Condom and stimulating outdoor spaces support children's agile exploration, play, and inquiry. When designing outdoor spaces, consider:

  • How can the outdoor space provide opportunities for complex exploration and research?
  • How can the outdoor infinite support children's connections with the natural globe and to their community?
  • How tin can outdoor play space provide an appropriate amount of independence that reflects a view of children as competent and capable to foster children's growing sense of competence and mastery?

Bodies of H2o – Habitation Child Care

In licensed habitation child care, no child under six years old can access any standing or recreational body of water on the premises. Children over the historic period of six in that home child care must accept a lifeguard present who meets the requirements of the Health Protection and Promotion Human activity at all times if they are allowed access to a pool or trunk of water. The licensee must have written policies and procedures regarding children's use of and access to the body of water.


Section xxx.i of Ontario Regulation 137/15 – General

Sample Form

  • Tips and Instructions for Developing Compliant Policies and Procedures: Bodies of Water Policies and Procedures (PDF, 153 KB)

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