Does Simple Green Remove Mold/mildew From Wrought Iron Furniture

Simple Green® Oxy Solve Total Outdoor Cleaner

Simple Light-green® Oxy Solve Total Outdoor Cleaner

★★★★☆ 4ii Reviews

Simple Light-green Oxy Solve Full Outdoor Cleaner lifts dirt and stains from mold, mildew, moss and algae from outdoor surfaces such every bit wood, plastic, concrete and more than. Cleans using peroxide to brighten and renew surfaces without bleach.

  • Cleans wood, plastic, vinyl, metal and other outdoor surfaces
  • Lifts dirt, grime and stains from mold, mildew, moss and algae
  • Fast-acting foam cleans using the power of peroxide

DIRECTIONS – READ BEFORE Apply: Protect eyes with spectacles or goggles. Keep others and animals abroad from work site. Information technology is best to pressure wash under libation, non-windy weather condition. Do not allow cleaner to dry on surface before rinsing. Always examination on an inconspicuous area first. Practice not mix with bleach or any other chemicals.

Of import TIPS: For vertical surfaces, apply solution from lower to higher areas and rinse from college to lower areas to prevent streaking. After the task is washed, rinse all backyard, plants, shrubs and trees contacted past the cleaner, and flush equipment with h2o before storage. Runoff may temporarily discolor some asphalt sealers – divert runoff or test in a small-scale area first. Pressure washing may remove oxidized pigment and weathered stains.


  1. Drib the siphon tube into the bottle or make full the on-board "soap reservoir".
  2. Switch equipment to plain water at low pressure and wet surface.
  3. At low-pressure setting, apply Uncomplicated Green Oxy Solve to an surface area that is small plenty to be rinsed before information technology dries.
  4. Let cleaner to dwell on surface for iii-5 minutes.
  5. Rinse at high pressure, keeping the nozzle at least ii feet from the surface and the spray perpendicular to the surface. Never spray upwardly under siding.

Manual CLEANING: Mix 1-mensurate of Uncomplicated Green Oxy Solve with twenty-measures of h2o in a bucket (example: 1.5 cups Simple Light-green to 2 gallons water). Clean in sections with a soft-bristle castor or sponge. Practice not allow cleaner to dry out on surface before rinsing. Rinse with a garden hose at highest pressure. Move to a new section and echo.

For a listing of ingredients, please come across our Ingredient Disclosure page.

  • Reviewed by two customers
  • Write a Review
    • ★★★★★ 5

      Works very well

    • Used Simple Green Oxy Solve Total Outdoor cleaner in my electric power washer. It worked well, took off a bit more clay than but power washing. Does demand to be rinsed off well, and yous should read the directions earlier use. I more often than not don't employ cleaners similar this when I ability wash, just e'er trusted the Oxy brand cleaners. Information technology did aid a bit, cleaned things upwards a little bit more than. I think information technology's definitely worth using, equally long as your power washer tin use it.
    • 06/06/2019Anonymous Hamilton, NJ
    • ★★★☆☆ iii

      "Uncomplicated" to use

    • I decided to utilize this product on my muddied driveway, especially after a long hard wintertime with salt and other nasty stains. This concentrated product works if you really put the effort into information technology. This does not incorporate a strong chemical scent like other cleaners in its category have. It actually did the trick in getting rid of foliage stains, bird droppings and leftover salt from the winter. My driveway actually looked squeamish and clean! I had to use a lot of this nevertheless to really get the chore done. The whole container to be exact. But it did what information technology claims to do. This was my first time using a Simple Green product, and i was pleased with information technology! I would try others, absolutely! They are an EPA Safe Choice product, so that is an added plus! Good for the environment!
    • 05/28/2019Anonymous Erie, PA

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